
A wise friend once told me “Sexiness is a feature of self-worth, not figure”. This blog represents my on-going efforts to convince myself of this reality. I’d sure like some company…

I am not a militant Fat Acceptance Soldier. I believe that we have the responsibility to care for our boides. To eat good wholesome food. To drink water, and to exercise… Can you do all those things and still be fat? Yes. Yes you can. And that is sort of the point. We are all different. We aren’t all meant to weigh the same or be shaped the same.

Does this mean I will never diet? Well, my grandmother always said, “Never is a long long time.” So while you will often find me fretting over what I am eating it is typically not because of my weight. I am striving to find what my body responds to. It damn sure isn’t food in a box. I have an apparent gluten intolerance and I can not digest beef or pork well, so these are all things I don’t eat.

That is the scoop… I am learning to embrace my body as it is today. Makes sense that if one hates one’s body one will tend to mistreat it. I want to come to some mutual understanding with mine. Maybe you do too…

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